We offer the best physical therapy facility experience in NYC, with a focus on making it easier for therapists to provide the most productive experience for their clients.
First and foremost, you strive for professional excellence and you want to work in an environment of like-minded therapists. You are motivated to grow your independent practice but appreciate the benefits of working in a supportive and cooperative environment. SkyHealth NYC knows that often the most difficult hurdle for physical therapists is helping clients maintain the focus and discipline necessary for successful outcomes. Without a positive therapy experience patients will often look elsewhere for their needs, or even worse, simply cease their therapy altogether.
At SkyHealth NYC we’ve designed our spaces and approach to create the best therapy experience possible. Our facility was designed around a whole body approach to the therapy process, allowing therapists the freedom to help their patients in the ways that best fit their individual needs. Just as therapists develop a one-on-one relationship with their clients, we develop the same kind of relationship with the therapists who work here, offering facilities for the therapies that support better overall health and performance. Schedule an appointment today to see if SkyHealth NYC is the right place for you and your practice.
Why should you choose SKYHEALTH for your physical therapy?
Quite simply, we have the best therapists and the best space to treat you and support your recovery. Our sessions with you are longer and more personal. Our facility supports a wide variety of therapies, with a focus on cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spinal pathologies, chronic repetitive stress injuries, and acute sports injuries—all the major players in the active lifestyle arena.
In addition, at SkyHealth NYC we know that great therapy outcomes often depend on excellent communication between your therapist and your trainer. By bringing them together under one roof you will receive the best possible treatment to get you back to your peak performance in the shortest possible time.
Schedule an appointment today to meet our team and see for yourself.