One on one physical therapy sessions are the best way to achieve the results that you need for your body. You might think that all therapy sessions are 1-on-1, and at their core, they are. However, what we're talking about is an atmosphere that promotes a sense of being alone with your physical therapist. If you're a person in need of physical therapy, it makes for a more comfortable experience. If you're a physical therapist looking at gym space for rent in NYC, the atmosphere we provide makes it possible to achieve a more personal approach to your therapy sessions.
At SkyHealth NYC, we're changing the model for physical therapy. While other centers serve several clients at a time, we've moved the focus to the individual in a big, big way. Every patient is seen in a one on one setting. There are no group sessions here. This promotes a more intimate experience, allowing the therapist and the patient to develop a real, personal connection and grow the trust that is vital to a fruitful ongoing relationship that meets the client's needs.
With the current climate and health concerns, we also feel that this approach ensures better health for all of our therapy providers and their patients. We understand that physical therapy is about getting back to better health. You can't do that if you're worried about getting sick from going to the place that's supposed to be helping you get better.
These days, therapy office space for rent is often promoted with lots of bells and whistles, and while we believe that the best equipment helps lead to the best outcomes, our biggest selling point for both therapists and their clients and/or patients is our commitment to the basics. Both therapists and patients can look forward to an atmosphere and setting that allows for the cultivation of communication, trust, and confidence that is so important to the therapeutic process. They can also take advantage of our state of the art facility while they grow that basic connection that is the foundation for everything else that follows.
With our beautiful views of the city, personal atmosphere, and commitment to our therapists' and patients' success and health, we are the premier spot for therapy office space for rent. If you're a trainer, stop by and see how we can help you. If you're in need of physical therapy, stop by and see any of our trainers. Just stop by whoever you are. We can help you!